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Case Study: LMU Future Lions

Client: Loyola Marymount University (LMU), Los Angeles
Project Year: 2018
Objective: Reducing melt by reimagining the registration and engagement processes for accepted students.

The Challenge

Melt is a significant issue for universities and LMU aimed to tackle this problem by improving the digital experience for these students, making their transition to university life smoother and more engaging.

Tablet screenshot of student dashboard page showing a greeting video and tasklist.

The Strategy

Bravery took on the challenge with a comprehensive approach to overhaul LMU’s strategy for engaging accepted students, utilizing WordPress. The project included several key initiatives:

  1. Integration with Slate: We built custom sign-in and data sync integrations with Slate, the admissions CRM, offering a more personalized experience for students.

  2. Admin Target Content Controls: We devised an audience-specific interface to manage content for different student categories like traditional students, transfer students, and international students.

  3. Targeted Content: We extended WordPress functionality to let LMU staff show specific content to specific student groups. Think international students or transfer students, each with their own unique needs.

  4. Video Greetings and Letters: We accommodated personalized video greetings from the university president and letters from deans to make students feel extra special.

  5. Task Checklist: We designed a Slate-synchronized takslist for students to keep track of what they’ve done and what’s still on their to-do list, like financial aid applications, placement tests, and RSVPs for orientation.

  6. Survey Distribution: We set up a system for distributing college-specific surveys and made sure the results got to the right college reps without a hitch.

  7. Social Media Integration: We brainstormed alternatives to direct Facebook integration for social engagement, focusing on privacy and user-friendliness.

  8. User Experience Enhancements: We aimed for an intuitive design that made how-to videos unnecessary, ensuring students could navigate the portal with ease.

Editing interface showing tabs for different audiences and a frontend audience switcher so that admins can preview the content on the page.

The Outcome

The resulting accepted student portal effectively demolished LMU’s summer melt. The personalized and engaging digital experience we created significantly boosted student engagement and reduced the chances of them ghosting before enrollment.

Screenshot showing a task list, Dean's welcome component, and notification onboarding.

Lessons Learned

The project underscored the importance of understanding the unique needs of different student groups and the value of seamless integration with existing CRM systems. It also highlighted the significance of user-centric design and the potential drawbacks of unnecessary features.

Wrapping Up

The LMU engagement project for accepted students exemplifies the impact of targeted digital strategies in higher education. By focusing on student needs and leveraging technology effectively, universities can significantly enhance enrollment rates and student satisfaction.

This case study demonstrates Bravery’s expertise in web design and development for higher education, showcasing their ability to deliver sophisticated solutions tailored to the unique challenges faced by universities.