Higher Ed Hot Takes
One part newsletter, and two parts us just needing to say the quiet part out loud every seven days. Subscribe to get us in your inbox.
What People Are Saying

How to market with a demographic cliff looming

“Certainly!” Here’s why we’re so bad at evaluating AI-generated content

How can Higher Education adjust to the zero-click marketing environment?

How often do you think about your institution’s competition?

Higher Ed Has Storytelling All Wrong

The Obvious Thing Your Content Strategy is Missing.

It's okay to do research during summer break.

Don’t Let Dead End Pages Clog Your Student Journey

Control AI, Not Vice Versa

Is Public Trust Related to the Size of Your Institution?

Great UX isn't about you.

How do you market well when you waitlist or reject some customers?

What your brand love language says about you… and what it has to do with value

Research: Why do we talk about Branding in Higher Education? And will Isomorphism doom us all?

Identifying your threats is not enough

You're gonna get some lock-in

Navigating Higher Ed Web Strategies in 2024: Survey Insights

Discomfort Hacking in Usability Studies

Academic Program Reviews and You!

The Relationship Between Psychological Safety and Professional Development

Marketing insights from the past and present

How strategy can impact the answer to "is college worth it?"

The Illusion of Complete

Shifts, Shocks, and Physical Therapy?

Welcome New University Presidents

Making the case for WordPress Modernization

Reflections from year one at Bravery

Directionally correct predictions of higher education's demise

Organizational Frames and Advocating for Digital Strategy

Existential Threads Dread in Higher Ed

Is the shape of our recruitment model outdated?

The Value of White Space in Web Design

Let’s Just Call it Onboarding

Which jobs in Higher Ed are Bullsh*t?

When Focus Groups Go Wrong

Remembering the WHY of a Project

We Are Responsible for Student Mental Health

Institutional Trust: More important than ever

Our community is our product

Small Talk actually has a purpose

Marketing is NOT a code word

Preparing for New Leadership

About Your Branded Hashtags...

Embrace the Ambiguity

Are You LARPing Your Content Strategy?

The Introspection Trap

Higher Ed Needs More Chaos Muppets

Is Your Website for Marketing or Community Engagement?

Your web marketing is underfunded

Could employee transfers be the key to retention?

Accountability meets the Ecosystem

Death by a million moral paper cuts
Collaboration FTW
What's in a voice?
You get what you pay for
The Role of Your Leader’s Character in Your Team’s Well Being

Lessons from the multiverse
Let's talk about your funnel

HighEdWeb in 10 Tweets
We're all excited for HighEdWeb in Little Rock!
How Trustworthy is Your Institution?

Do You Include "Red Flags" In Your Job Postings?

UX Research: Drawing the Right Kind of Inferences
Hospitality at Scale
UX Research: Biting Off Exactly What You Can Chew
Marketing Budgets are Ballooning

Efficiency Gains: Move to a Design System

Where do we go from here?
Keep up with Bravery's deep thoughts, new ideas, and podcast releases.