• Issue #52

Navigating Higher Ed Web Strategies in 2024: Survey Insights

Two palm trees against a blue sky.

In December, Bravery Media launched a qualitative survey, delving into your Web Strategy Trend predictions and intuitions for 2024. We figured, this month, you’ll see a lot of predictions for the evolving digital landscape of academic institutions. Rather than shoot from the hip this time (no shade intended towards shooting from the hip. It’s kind of our hot take specialty), we wanted to reflect your answers back at you so you can see if your institution is aligned with others, and if your anxieties and excitements line up with the overall impressions of your peers.

You all expressed enthusiasm for Personalization, Artificial Intelligence, Chat, GA4, and Content Strategy. Bravery observes a growing drive toward efficient and effective strategies, with Content Strategy posing a constant challenge.

Concerns revolve around leadership support, governance, resource reduction, and navigating the challenges of centralization and decentralization. We hear you on the increased scrutiny of marketing units, and the need for understanding and advocacy from the top.

Survey respondents express fatigue with repetitive discussions on video, messaging, accessibility, homepage elements, TikTok, and the unstandardized landscape of Artificial Intelligence.

In terms of research, 85% plan in-house studies, reflecting a commitment to informed decision-making. Strategies for enhancing user experience include simplification, mastering GA4, content reorganization, increased user research, and professional development.

Themes for 2024 range from efficiency to usability, emphasizing a return to fundamentals, consistency, and a proactive approach. Institutions prioritize goals like improving conversion rates, user satisfaction, and personalization strategies.

Metrics vary, with GA4, UX satisfaction, admissions numbers, sentiment monitoring, and requests for information being key indicators. While feelings about 2024 strategies are mostly neutral, we want to encourage and empower you to take proactive steps in shaping our future.

Check out our full findings