Research + Strategy from Bravery

Strategy without research is like a night without stars. Fortunately, Bravery can help you shine a light on your audiences' needs and turn those discoveries in to actionable roadmaps. Looking for a moonshot? We'll de-risk your journey there and back again.

Custom Insights Reports

Sometimes you need targeted insights to bolster the strategy you already have in place. Bravery can help. We start with a needs assessment to make sure we’re only delivering information that is actionable and valuable to your institution. From there, we develop research questions and select the best methods to answer them.

Bravery's research capabilities

User Experience

  • Facilitated Usability Studies
  • Heuristic Evaluations
  • Terminology Reviews
  • Accessibility Audits
  • SEO Audits
  • AI Optimization Audits
  • Content Strategy Audits

Brand Experience

  • Audience Research
  • Service Blueprints
  • Homepage Brand Review
  • Competitor Audits
  • Brand Positioning
  • Regional Industry Data

Service Design

  • Service Blueprints
  • User Journey Mapping
  • Jobs to be Done Studies
  • Inclusive Design Studies

Operational Design

  • Governance Planning
  • Staff Needs Modeling
  • Marketing Tech Stack Audit
  • Ethical Web Management Audit
  • Budget Modeling

Pricing that's tailored for you

Some of these are more time-intensive than others. Our pricing is tailored to precisely what you need. Have strict budget allowances? Let’s discuss what will give you the biggest return on that investment.

Website Strategy Guides from Bravery

This is our signature offering that tells you precisely how to improve your college or university's website. Website Strategy Guide recommendations are the absolute best value in higher education web marketing.

Enrollment-growing web strategy

Whether you're getting ready to write an RFP for a redesign or you're building institutional buy-in for a big web project, Bravery's Website Strategy Guide will tell you all about the site you have and the most effective ways to improve it. We thoroughly audit your institutional website, analyze our findings in concert with internal research and industry sources, and produce a strategy report you can act on for immediate results. Our partners have seen conversion rate increases of over 400% and applications double for focus programs. The guide includes:

  • Accessibility Report,
  • Content Strategy Report,
  • SEO Report,
  • Technical Performance Report,
  • Information Architecture Recommendations,
  • User Experience Recommendations,
  • Governance Guidelines, and
  • Prioritized Plan of Action

Price starts at $30,000

The data and insights Bravery gave us helped my team refine our digital strategy. After implementing their recommendations, we saw conversion rates increase by over 400%.

Alex Staton

Director of Marketing

Our Services

Research + Strategy ↘︎

The best place to start is with sound strategy. Bravery offers research and strategy services for brand, audience, content, UX, and more.

Web Optimization + SEO ↘︎

Fast sites lead to record enrollment. Let Bravery give your institution's site a performance tune-up.

Design + Development ↘︎

Beautiful, fast, and accessible. Bravery's human-first design and dev services start providing ROI the day we launch.

Content Direction + Production ↘︎

From content strategy to content design, Bravery produces website content that converts. Content really is that important.

Training + Professional Development ↘︎

Get your college or university MarComm and Admissions teams up to speed with customized training from Bravery.

Web Agency of Record ↘︎

The ultimate performance value in higher ed. Empower your marketing team to do their best by leaving the technical work to Bravery.