Site Speed, SEO/AIO, and CRO from Bravery

A fast website is the single most effective strategy for increasing enrollment, converting donors, ranking higher in search engine results, and being recommended by AI platforms like ChatGPT and Perplexity. Yet, a lot of institutions forget that. Bravery takes its signature hospitable design framework and applies it to your institution's website. Our optimization services have increased conversion rates anywhere from 30%-200% overnight!

Blazing fast university websites

Bravery is the leader in higher education when it comes to creating fast websites. We focus on this because it affects just about other part of a university's marketing. Better ad performance? Make your website faster. Higher conversion rates? Make your website faster. Higher search appearances? You guessed it. Speed up your website.

A speed-optimized website is greener, more accessible, and way more performant than one that isn't. We care so much, we created SpeedyU to track and rank higher ed websites by speed and accessibility in the US, Canada, Ireland, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

Benchmark your website's peformance

Bravery's affordable Benchmark reports uncover all the little things to help your team optimize your website for speed, accessibility, and SEO. These standalone mini-engagements are built for maximum impact and minimal cost. Fast turnarounds, unparalleled support, and detailed steps to improve are built into Benchmark.

Google Analytics (GA4) Optimization

The perfect next step after Benchmark Analytics, Bravery can configure your Google Analytics dashboard to make sure you're getting the most out of GA4. Our GA4 configuration services are customized to your institution’s priority conversion metrics while also thoroughly tracking common website events.

Do you run paid ad campaigns through Google Ads with an advertising partner? Bravery can crack open that black box and bring transparency to how well your ads perform against your priority conversion metrics, giving you greater insight when making ad purchasing decisions.

When you let Bravery configure your GA4 implementation you get a sustainable framework for managing new conversion metrics in Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, and GA4 along with custom reports tailored to your needs. You’re tracking all of this data, now do something with it.

GA4 Configuration Services start at $2,750

Website Strategy Guides from Bravery

This is our signature offering that tells you precisely how to improve your college or university's website. Website Strategy Guide recommendations are the absolute best value in higher education web marketing.

Enrollment-growing web strategy

Whether you're getting ready to write an RFP for a redesign or you're building institutional buy-in for a big web project, Bravery's Website Strategy Guide will tell you all about the site you have and the most effective ways to improve it. We thoroughly audit your institutional website, analyze our findings in concert with internal research and industry sources, and produce a strategy report you can act on for immediate results. Our partners have seen conversion rate increases of over 400% and applications double for focus programs. The guide includes:

  • Accessibility Report,
  • Content Strategy Report,
  • AI Optimization Report,
  • SEO Report,
  • Technical Performance Report,
  • Information Architecture Recommendations,
  • User Experience Recommendations,
  • Governance Guidelines, and
  • Prioritized Plan of Action

Price starts at $30,000

The data and insights Bravery gave us helped my team refine our digital strategy. After implementing their recommendations, we saw conversion rates increase by over 400%.

Alex Staton

Director of Marketing

Our Services

Research + Strategy ↘︎

The best place to start is with sound strategy. Bravery offers research and strategy services for brand, audience, content, UX, and more.

Web Optimization + SEO ↘︎

Fast sites lead to record enrollment. Let Bravery give your institution's site a performance tune-up.

Design + Development ↘︎

Beautiful, fast, and accessible. Bravery's human-first design and dev services start providing ROI the day we launch.

Content Direction + Production ↘︎

From content strategy to content design, Bravery produces website content that converts. Content really is that important.

Training + Professional Development ↘︎

Get your college or university MarComm and Admissions teams up to speed with customized training from Bravery.

Web Agency of Record ↘︎

The ultimate performance value in higher ed. Empower your marketing team to do their best by leaving the technical work to Bravery.